Wednesday, February 3

micro macro marco polo (i haven't updated in a while)

For capping fun I've decided to show works in progress to offer a look at how the pieces build up.

Monday, December 28

The Portrait of Mr. W. H.

I recently finished reading some Oscar Wilde (one of my fantastic christmas presents) and The Portrait of Mr. W. H. blew me away.  I had never really read much shakespeare aside from the once a year plays in grammar school and I'm kicking myself for not absorbing them more than I had. my sponge is dry. Regardless the story is about two friends discussing the mystery dedication of Shakespeares sonnets.  A suicide, a death, twisted between Wilde's words and shakespeares sonnets made for a remarkably good read.

take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;

to live in an elizabethan era would have been most pleasing to me.

Thursday, December 17

the meteorite is the source of the light and the meteor's just what we see

an aftermath piece about cuddling. staying under the covers all day in cold weather.  and the absence of it.

staying afloat. trying to keep your head above water. sinking regardless but not drowning.

being thrown away. treated the same as everyone else. coupled with the specialness of what was there, unwinding.

these were parts of my thesis.

Tuesday, December 15

There was Dallas, from Phoenix; Cleveland - he was from Detroit; and Tex... well, I don't remember where Tex come from.

This was a pretty cool little project Brad assigned us.  Take a modern movie, redo the cover for it in a similar style to a 1940's action or space themed film.  Brad was definitely the best professor I've ever had and I fully support his decision to take time off from teaching.  I already know that for as long as I am a designer he will always be the biggest influence in my approach, design, and thought.

Thursday, December 10

as if you could kill time without injuring eternity

of course none of this is towards any of the work that is due in the coming week, but it certainly is more interesting, mind working, and exciting to explore than the rest of it all

Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.